Even fakes have different versions. So, this article will show you the fake jordan 4 black cats at different prices.
Do you know why the price of shoes that look the same as the authentic ones is so different? Although the fake shoes manufacturing industry has always taken “100% close to the authentic” as the quality standard, some fake manufacturers have chosen to reduce production costs and use cheap raw materials as substitutes in order to cater to the needs of the low-end market. This is also the reason why these fake AJ4 black cats look almost the same as the real black cats, but there is a huge difference in the price.
In order to let everyone feel the difference more intuitively, we bought 4 fake black cat AJ4s of different prices for comparison. They are $53, $60, $83, and $160. These are 1:1 replicas. In terms of appearance alone, there is almost no difference from the authentic black cats.
$53 Fake Black Cats Jordan 4
The Jordan 4 Black Cat is the cheapest version at $53, which is a very tempting price for most people. It is worth noting that although this super cheap replica has good sales, it has received a lot of bad feedback. Many buyers reported that this pair of shoes has serious quality problems. For example: debonding, broken soles, collapsed soles, poor comfort and other problems.
$60 Jordan 4 Black Cat Fake Sneaker
Compared with the $53 fake black cat, the $60 fake black cat is relatively durable. There are no problems such as debonding, bottom breaking, and collapse, but there is still a strong smell of glue, and if you look closely, the $60 fake black cat is not so close to perfection in some details.
$83 Fake Jordan 4 Black Cat
Compared with the fake black cats in the first two price ranges, this $80 fake black cat is more cost-effective. It not only does not have quality problems such as debonding and broken bottoms, but also does not have an unpleasant glue smell. Moreover, among the fake black cats under $100, it is the version with the best buyer reviews. But even so, it is still not a 1:1 replica, because if you look closely at the embroidery and logo on the shoes, you will find that there are some deviations between them and the authentic black cats.
$160 Fake Black Cat Jordan 4
This $160 Jordan 4 Black Cat may be the most expensive version! But it is the best. Because usually the raw materials and molds used in fake shoes at this price are almost the same as the genuine ones, which is one of the reasons why it is so expensive. This pirated AJ4 Black Cat is often sold as the genuine one, because even experts may not be able to identify it as a fake.
The above four fake Jordan 4 black cats of different prices are all produced in Putian, Fujian, China. If you want to know more about Putian shoes, please leave a message in the comment area.
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