High-quality fake Jordan shoes can be deceptive because they look almost identical to the real thing, both in appearance and size. But in reality, there are always some differences between fake and real shoes. Reading this “Fake Jordan 4 White Thunder VS Real” guide carefully may help you avoid buying bootleg white thunder AJ4.

How to Tell if Your Jordan 4 White Thunder Are Fake
Leather material: The leather material of the genuine AJ4 white thunder has good texture, clear and natural texture. The black nubuck leather upper has a fine texture and a certain glossiness; the leather or synthetic material of the white part should also have good texture and color. The material of the fake Air Jordan 4 white thunder may be poor, the leather texture is not clear, and there may even be an odor.

Compare the color of the shoes carefully. The colors of the authentic shoes are coordinated and the tones are accurate. Pay attention to the details such as the flying man logo on the tongue and the “Air Jordan” logo on the upper. The authentic logo is finely embroidered, with clear patterns and neat edges; the logo of fake white thunder shoes may have problems such as loose embroidery, blurred patterns, and color deviation.
The lines on the soles of genuine shoes are clear and deep, the rubber texture is good, and it has a certain elasticity and wear resistance. The lines are arranged regularly and the pattern is complete. The lines on the soles of fake shoes may be shallow, blurred, or even missing or deformed.

The texture of the authentic midsole is high gloss, slightly reflective, clear, the positioning holes are located lower, the upper lines are dense, short and uniform. The texture of the fake Jordan 4 White Thunder midsole is dull and scattered, the positioning holes are not located accurately, and the upper lines are sparse or of different lengths.
The insole of a genuine product is made of dark blue foam, feels soft, and has obvious glue lines. The insole of a fake shoe may be made of a different material, such as sky blue with a whitish tint, too many impurities, no traces of glue brushing, or abnormal glue lines.

Authentic shoelaces are made of thick material, tightly woven, and of the right length; the metal or plastic buckles at the eyelets are made of high-quality material and are securely installed. Fake shoelaces may be thin and floppy, and the eyelet buckles may become loose or fall off easily.
The fonts on the genuine shoe labels are clear and regular, and the spacing between letters and numbers is moderate. For example, the spacing between letters such as “US”, “UK”, “EUR”, “CM”, and their correspondence with the numbers below should meet the standards. Fake shoe labels may have deformed or blurred fonts and unreasonable spacing.

The authentic Jordan 4 White Thunder has an upright shape and smooth lines. The toe is round and full without any deformation, distortion or collapse; the heel has a natural curvature and a tight fit. Fake shoes may have deviations in the shoe shape, such as the toe is too flat or too pointed, the heel curvature is unnatural, etc.
Authentic white thunder AJ4 shoe boxes usually come with corresponding accessories, such as dustproof paper, desiccant, etc. Check the quality and integrity of these accessories. Fake shoes may ignore these details or use inferior accessories. In addition, the label information on the side of the shoe box should be intact, including the style, color, size, origin, etc. of the shoes, and the font format should be standardized. Pay attention to check the clarity and recognizability of the barcode. The authentic barcode can be scanned and recognized normally.
In short, when you carefully examine these details, you will find out what the difference is between the fake Jordan 4 White Thunder and the real Jordan 4 White Thunder. For handsome guys who attach great importance to the legitimacy of sneakers, learning to distinguish between real and fake Jordan shoes is a very meaningful thing, which can help you avoid embarrassing things.
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