There are different versions of fake Travis Scott Jordan 1 Low Canary on the market, and they may be produced in different countries. China is the country with the best fake shoe manufacturing technology. Therefore, if you buy a fake TS Jordan 1 Low Canary, it is very likely produced in China.

The issue of “fake shoes” has always been a complex socio-economic issue in China and around the world, especially in the field of high-end sports shoes and fashion shoes, such as popular styles of brands such as Nike, Adidas, and Air Jordan, which are often the main targets of counterfeiting. China’s well-developed shoemaking industry, with a mature industrial chain and skilled workers, has also made the region one of the world’s well-known “fake shoe” production bases.
The reason why the fake Travis Scott Jordan 1 Low Canary shoes made in China are so popular is mainly because they are low-priced, high-quality, and look almost indistinguishable from the authentic Travis Scott Jordan 1 Low Canary.

Just like the real Travis Scott x Air Jordan 1 Low OG “Canary”, this travis scott jordan 1 low canary imitation shoe comes in a Canary, Racing Blue, Light Silver, and Medium Brown color scheme. Featuring a White midsole with Nike Air cushioning in the heel and Gum Medium Brown rubber outsole. The only difference is that the laces of the travis scott jordan 1 low canary replica are all yellow, while the laces of the real travis scott jordan 1 low canaryshoes are one blue and one yellow.
Except for the inconsistent color of the shoelaces, this fake Travis Scott x Air Jordan 1 Low OG “Canary” basically restores every detail of the original. This version is the best choice for buyers who want to buy a 1:1 replica.
How Much Does It Cost to Buy Fake from China?
According to a Chinese man who has been engaged in the sale of fake shoes for more than ten years, such a pair of high-edition limited edition Jordan 1 replicas is usually sold for $150 (including shipping costs) on some unofficial sneaker websites, but in China, it usually only costs 150 to 300 yuan. Therefore, if you want to buy a pair of Travis Scott Jordan 1 Canary replica shoes that are the same as the authentic ones from China, it will cost about $150 to 200 to buy them through online channels.
Then please take a closer look at this best fake Travis Scott x Jordan 1 Low OG “Canary” from China :

The production of fake Travis Scott Jordan 1 shoes involves multiple links, from mold development, raw material procurement, production line processing, to distribution and retail, forming a complete supply chain system. In Putian City, Fujian Province, China, some underground factories use advanced equipment and technology to produce products that look the same as genuine Travis Scott Jordan 1. These fake AJ shoes can easily deceive the eyes of non-professionals.
Due to the high price or limited release of genuine Travis Scott Jordan 1 Canary, many people turn to low-priced alternatives, providing market space for fake Travis Scott Canary shoes.
In China, the production and sale of fake shoes often hide in the gray area, which increases the difficulty of law enforcement agencies to crack down on them. In addition, the transnational nature of criminal activities makes international cooperation more complicated. The huge profit margins have attracted many participants. Even in the face of legal risks, the high returns still prompt some people to take risks. Therefore, fake brand-name shoes from China continue to flow, and the best-selling one is the recently launched Travis Scott Jordan 1 Low Canary.
Buying fake designer shoes, whether in China or other countries, is a controversial topic. So would you buy this hot-selling Travis Scott x Air Jordan 1 Low OG “Canary” fakes from China at a low price?
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