It is said that the nigel sylvester jordan 4 brick by brick is one of the most limited and difficult to obtain shoes in 2025, and the resale price is high, so a large number of jordan 4 brick by brick replicas have appeared. These 1:1 fake nigel sylvester jordan 4 brick by brick are not only cheap, but also highly consistent with the original in quality and comfort.

As the authentic ones revealed, this fake Jordan 4 has a brick texture on the toe anti-mud guard and is embroidered with Nigel’s white hook logo; the toe to side is made of soft nubuck leather; and the laces are replaceable, the original ones are flat red and orange; there is reflective material under the mesh to improve visibility during night riding; there is nubuck leather, a red patch, the flying man logo and the word “FLIGHT” on the top of the tongue, and the back label reads “Jordan biking code 2017”; the sock lining and insole match the color and have the word “go”; there are TPU side wings, mesh and reflective 3M materials in the middle, and no perforated design; there is a “Bike Air” logo on the heel, and the heel pull tab is orange-red with white text; the midsole is dark red with off-white or cream decoration, the heel has a visible air cushion and the pillar is red; the middle of the outsole is translucent red with a luminous effect, the toe and heel are opaque red, and there are white elements and Nike logos on the forefoot and middle. Every detail looks almost exactly like the real Jordan 4 Brick by Brick. Do you think you can refuse such a perfect replica?

Now let’s take a look at the shoe boxes. Although these shoe boxes are also fake, they look like an orange brick like the real ones. The surface is very textured, with the “Bike Air” logo debossed on the top, the flying man logo on the sides, the brick pattern and white parts on the sides; there are Velcro straps inside, and the shoes are packed separately. There are extra shoelaces, a small bag containing paper and shoes, and the word “go” is printed in glossy.

It is said that the Air Jordan 4 Retro OG SP Nigel Sylvester Brick by Brick is one of the most limited and difficult to get shoes in 2025, with high resale prices and even being stolen during transportation. Its official color scheme is “Firewood Orange”, “Off-white” and “Gray”, and its full name is Air Jordan 4 retro ogsp. Such a high-end new Jordan 4 is bound to become a hot item this year. Many people can’t get the original and can’t afford the resale price, so fakes naturally become their best choice.
In fact, high-quality 1:1 fake nigel sylvester jordan 4 brick by brick, which people call perfect replicas, look almost identical to the originals, and even professional sneaker appraisers may not be able to tell the difference.
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