Are you searching for fake White Thunder Jordan 4 men’s sneakers that look just like the real thing? In fact, fakes that look exactly like the originals are also called 1:1 replicas! A perfect Jordan 4 White Thunder replica shoe can fool almost anyone’s eyes.
This article mainly shares with you the White Thunder Jordan 4 men’s replica. The pictures of these fakes are from the YUPOO album.

If you have read this article (fake Jordan 4 White Thunder vs real), then you should know the value of this pair of reps. This pair of Jordan 4 restores almost every detail of the original, including the shoe box. The shoe is clean and neat black with clean white, and this simple color combination makes it a best-seller of Air Jordan.

If we don’t mention that the black and white color scheme also appeared in SB DUNK, can you think of the panda color scheme? This pair of White Thunder Jordan 4 seems to be a tribute to the infamous and ubiquitous Dunk Low!

The Air Jordan 4 isn’t quite a Dunk. While it’s not an everyday sneaker like the low-top model, the Air Jordan 4’s popularity has been growing, which means fake Jordan 4s are also becoming more popular.

Are fake Jordan 4 White Thunder comfortable?
This is the biggest concern for many buyers besides the perfect appearance. The comfort of the shoes is mainly related to the size and material. Usually, the size of fake shoes is produced according to the size of the genuine shoes. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about the size being inaccurate. In addition, the raw materials used in fake shoes are usually low-cost substitutes, such as rubber soles. Bad White Thunder Jordan 4 replicas may have problems with feeling too hard or the soles may break after wearing for a period of time.

In addition, the fake Air Jordan 4 White Thunder is almost perfect, with a 1:1 appearance and a low price, which are the reasons why many people buy it.
So, would you buy this Jordan 4 White Thunder alternative?
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