If you buy fake Jordan shoes on Amazon, what should you do? We all know that it is almost impossible to buy fakes on Amazon, but it is still impossible to prevent some merchants from passing off fakes as real ones. Especially when you encounter 1:1 replicas of fake Jordan shoes, how can you prove to the platform that the merchant is selling fakes?

Does Amazon Sell Fake Shoes
First of all, we need to understand that Amazon, as a third-party shopping platform, does not directly sell goods, so Amazon will not sell fake shoes. Because it only provides a platform and credit guarantee to ensure that buyers and sellers will not deceive each other during the transaction process. If a dispute arises, Amazon, as a judge, will deal with both parties fairly.

What Should I Do if I Bought Fake Jordan Shoes on Amazon?
If you accidentally purchased counterfeit Air Jordan shoes on Amazon, here are some practical steps to protect your rights:
- Collect evidence: Keep proof of purchase, such as invoices, receipts or order confirmations, and take photos of the shoes to record all the evidence points that you think are fake Jordan shoes.
- Contact the seller: First try to communicate with the seller, explain the situation and provide evidence, and ask for a refund or exchange.
- Take advantage of platform rules: If you bought Jordan shoes through a third-party shopping platform, you can use the platform’s consumer protection policy. For example, on Amazon, you can apply for “return and refund”. If the seller refuses, you can ask Amazon platform customer service to intervene.
- Consumer Association: If direct communication with the seller is fruitless, you can contact the local consumer association or consumer rights protection organization for help.
- Complain to government departments: Complain to relevant administrative departments such as the Market Supervision Administration, provide relevant evidence, and request investigation and handling.
- Legal channels: If the above channels cannot solve the problem, you can seek legal channels and file a lawsuit in court. According to the “Consumer Rights Protection Law”, if you buy fake goods, you can ask for “refund one and compensate three”, that is, refund the purchase price of the goods, and you can ask for compensation of three times the purchase price of the goods.
- Report: If you suspect that the sale of counterfeit goods may involve larger-scale infringement, you can report it to the relevant authorities so that further legal action can be taken.
If the Seller Refuses to Refund or Exchange the Product, How Should I File a Complaint Through the Amazon Platform?
If the product you purchased on Amazon is a fake and the seller refuses to refund or exchange the product, you can file a complaint on Amazon by following these steps:
- Log in to your Amazon account.
- Go to the product page and find and click the “Feedback” or “Product Issue” option.
- Select “Report a Problem” and then select the appropriate problem category in the drop-down menu, such as “The product is counterfeit.”
- Follow the prompts to fill out the complaint form and provide as much information as possible, including your order number, product problem description, evidence photos, etc.
- After submitting the complaint, Amazon customer service will intervene to investigate.
If you believe that the product you are copying is a fake, you can use Amazon’s “Report a Violation Tool” to report it. Before reporting, you may need to make a test buy to verify the authenticity of the product and provide the order number when reporting.
If you are a brand owner and have completed Amazon Brand Registration, you can use the Brand Protection Tool to report suspected infringement of your trademark, copyright, and intellectual property rights.
If you are a buyer and believe that the product you received is a fake, you can contact Amazon customer service and select “Report Seller Violation” to file a complaint.
Alternatively, Amazon buyers can also report seller violations by logging into the Amazon website, finding the Help Center, selecting “Need Additional Help,” and then contacting customer service.
Please note that Amazon takes intellectual property and consumer rights very seriously and will handle every complaint seriously. At the same time, make sure you provide sufficient evidence to support your complaint. If the complaint is successful, Amazon may take action, including but not limited to removing the product from the shelves, suspending or terminating the seller’s account, etc.
If you suspect that you have bought fake Jordan shoes, but have no evidence to prove that your shoes are fake, please refer to our article: Jordan shoes fake vs real.

Finally, I would like to remind you that if you don’t want to buy fake Jordan shoes, it is recommended that you order from the official Nike website. Other channels that are not authorized by Nike are usually not trustworthy.
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