We have to admit a fact that there is no difference between a high-quality Travis Scott Jordan 1 shoes replica and a real Travis Scott Jordan 1 shoes. For example, this top version fake travis scott jordan 1 fragment high-top sneaker.

The pictures above are all real photos of this 1:1 bootleg travis scott jordan 1 high fragment sneaker. From the pictures, we can’t tell any difference between this pair of fake Air Jordan shoes and the genuine ones. This means that everyone can get a pair of limited edition TS x Jordan 1 sneakers.
When you examine the details of this knockoff TS Jordan 1, we are shocked by its perfect replica technology. This fake shoe looks more real than the real Jordan 1 Retro High OG SP Fragment x Travis Scott.

Whether it’s the official “NIKE” logo on the sole that symbolizes the authenticity, the NIKE AIR embroidery on the tongue, the classic Travis Scott portrait on the heel, or the tiny English letters on the sole, they look almost the same as the authentic ones.
In addition to the perfect replica of the shoes themselves, the fake shoe manufacturers also restored the shoe box of Travis Scott x Fragment Air Jordan 1 High OG SP. Friends who love sneakers know that the shoe box is also part of a perfect pair of sneakers. Therefore, a 1:1 replica of the shoe box is indispensable.

In fact, it is very easy to buy a pair of 1:1 replicas of Travis Scott x Jordan 1 Fragment at a cheap price. For more information on how to buy fake shoes, please refer to “where to buy fake jordan“.
So do you know where this top version fake TS Jordan 1 high fragment comes from and how much it costs?
In fact, this top version fake Travis Scott fragment Jordan 1 high-top sneaker comes from Putian City, Fujian, China. It is currently sold in China for 200~300 yuan. The fake shoe market in China is very chaotic, but the fake shoe manufacturing technology is getting better and better. Although it is illegal to imitate genuine sneakers worldwide, there are still many people engaged in this industry for profit. Putian shoes are exported to all parts of the world in large quantities every year, which is an open secret in the industry.
If you need such a perfect replica of the sneakers, then please leave me a message in the comment area.
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