The purpose of this “Travis Scott Jordan 1 Low Reverse Mocha Real vs Fake” guide we share is to help sneaker collectors avoid buying fakes at the price of the authentic ones. No one wants to pay a high price for a pair of fake sneakers, so it is particularly important to learn how to distinguish the real from the fake.

Here are some highlights of the Travis Scott x Air Jordan 1 Low Reverse Mocha real and fake comparison:
- Printing information and materials of shoe boxes: Authentic shoe boxes have clear and exquisite printing, bright and rich colors, sharp edges of patterns and text, and no blurring or smudging. For example, the shoe information on the side label of the shoe box, including size, style, color, etc., should be complete and in standard fonts; fake shoe boxes have rough printing, dim colors, and patterns and text may have double images or blurs, and the thickness of the fonts may also be inconsistent. Authentic shoe boxes are made of good materials, with a certain thickness and hardness, a smooth surface, a strong texture, and are relatively firm in the hand; fake shoe boxes are made of poor materials, thin and soft, and may have flaws, scratches, and even odors on the surface;
- Shoe label: Jumpman Logo: The Jumpman Logo on the genuine shoe label is very muscular, with clear muscle lines, even ink and proper layout; the Jumpman Logo on the imitation shoe label may not have a muscular feel, be a little crooked, have uneven ink and messy layout. Other information: Check whether the size, origin, production date and other information on the shoe label are consistent with the shoe itself, and whether the markings are clear and accurate. The information on the genuine product will be very standardized, without typos, wrong size markings and other problems; the fake product may have wrong or unclear information;
- Overall appearance: Shoe shape: The toe of the genuine shoe is vertical, and the whole shoe body is relatively upright; while the toe of the counterfeit shoe may be obviously tilted to the right, and the shoe body is flat.
- Leather color difference: The color of the mocha brown part of the genuine Nubuck leather is uniform and natural; the color of the fake leather may have color difference, or the color is too bright or dull. Stitching: The stitching of the genuine product is uniform and neat, the stitching spacing is consistent, and there is no problem of skipping or missing stitches; the stitching of the counterfeit may be uneven, the stitching spacing is inconsistent, and there may even be skipping or missing stitches;
- Reverse hook Swoosh: The authentic reverse hook Swoosh has clear edges, smooth lines and good texture; the counterfeit reverse hook Swoosh may have blurred edges, uneven lines and poor texture;
- Ghost face embroidery on the heel: The ghost face embroidery of the genuine product has regular shape, clear lines and bright colors; the ghost face embroidery of the fake product may have irregular shape, blurred lines and dull colors;
- Tongue label: The tongue label of the genuine shoe is clear and concise, with sharp edges and corners; the tongue label of the fake shoe may be blurred and bloated;
- Midsole: The pinholes in the authentic midsole are moderate, and the drawstring is made of matte material; the pinholes in the imitation midsole are too large, and the drawstring is made of reflective material;
- Side label: The genuine product has a chip on the side label, and a white vertical bar formed by the chip can be seen below the side label; the counterfeit product has no chip on the side label, and you can see the SWOOSH below.
If you still have questions about how to spot a fake travis scott jordan 1 low reverse mocha, please leave a comment in the comment section.
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