Home » Where to Sell Fake Shoes

Where to Sell Fake Shoes

As more and more fake brand-name shoes appear in your field of vision, have you ever thought about which channels are selling fake shoes? Read the full article to get relevant information about “where to sell fake shoes“.


Some unscrupulous vendors choose to trade in some hidden offline places, such as small flea markets or some unregistered street shops. These places are relatively weak in supervision and have a large flow of people. They try to fish in the muddy waters among the good and the bad, and sell 1:1 replica shoes to unsuspecting people as inferior ones. In these flea markets, there are a wide variety of goods, often including fake Jordan, fake Balenciaga, fake Yeezy, and even fake LV shoes. When it is difficult to distinguish between real shoes and fake shoes, people are often easily attracted by the cheap prices.

These small vendors even sell these high-quality fake shoes as genuine ones, claiming that these fake shoes are second-hand, so the price is cheap. These fake shoe vendors take advantage of the buyers’ desire for bargains and mark the fake shoes with seemingly attractive prices, which is in sharp contrast to the high prices of genuine shoes. After all, a pair of genuine Nike limited edition sneakers costs hundreds of dollars in specialty stores, but in these flea markets, it may only cost tens of dollars. For some people with limited financial resources who are eager to have the appearance of brand-name shoes, such price temptation is undoubtedly huge.

But people often overlook that fake shoes may have quality problems such as poor comfort and poor durability, and in serious cases, they may also affect the health of the ankles.

But in fact, in addition to some people secretly selling fake shoes offline, online channels have also become a disaster area for the sale of fake shoes. Some criminals use the concealment and convenience of the Internet to trade fake shoes on some informal e-commerce platforms or social media groups. On some unknown e-commerce websites, when searching for popular shoes, a large number of products with prices significantly lower than the normal market level will appear.

These websites often lack a strict product review mechanism, providing a breeding ground for the sale of fake shoes.

There are also some social media groups, such as some niche fashion exchange groups or specific interest groups, where criminals will mix in and privately publish fake shoe sales information. They show the “exquisite appearance” of fake shoes by sending pictures, videos, etc., claiming that they are no different from genuine products, and can also provide “custom services” to meet consumers’ needs for specific styles.

This way of selling fake shoes online is the mainstream way of selling fake shoes. Although the US Customs seizes a large number of fake shoes every year, it is still unable to completely prevent fake shoes from entering the US market. This is because Americans have a great demand for fake shoes. According to the order data of some fake shoe stores, 70% of the customers every day are Americans.


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