The real images of the fake Jordan 5 Lucky Green have emerged. China’s counterfeit shoe manufacturers always present concept models of unreleased sneakers to everyone at an alarming rate. This Air Jordan 5 “Lucky Green” has not been released yet.

The shoe features a “White” upper with “Lucky Green” and “Black” accents laying the foundation. “23” is embroidered on the heel shell, a nod to the “His Airness” sneakers worn on the court. On the sole, a translucent “Ice Blue” hue is used, designed to prevent yellowing.
It’s almost impossible to tell the difference between fake AJ5 “Lucky Green” and the real Jordan 5 “Lucky Green” in these pictures, as it replicates almost every detail of the original. So, how much would you pay for a pair of these high-end Jordan 5 “Lucky Green” replicas?
The Air Jordan 5 WMNS Lucky Green officially retails for $200 and will release on February 28, 2024 at select Jordan Brand retailers and (SNKRS).
If you love how this bold Lucky Green color pairs with a light neutral and pale yellow color! Lucky Green is a real statement color that works best as a feature wall in the main living areas of a home. But if you can’t get the real Air Jordan 5 “Lucky Green”, you can consider buying this 1:1 knockoff Jordan 5 Lucky Green.
Jordan Brand is a subsidiary of Nike, and like many other large footwear brands, they have factories in China where they produce some of their shoes. Although NIKE has now moved its factory, the technology for manufacturing sports shoes remains in China. Because, the fake Nike and fake Jordan shoes made by the Chinese are definitely the highest quality replicas in the world.
So if you want to buy this shoe, try to find fake shoe suppliers in China.
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